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Wastewater Treatment
This wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was originally designed with a flexible membrane liner (FML). However, this design did not meet NPDES discharge limits set by the Department of Health and Environment.
It was determined that vegetated soil side slopes would improve water quality. Flexamat Plus was selected by the design team to permanently armor the soil side slopes while allowing vegetation growth.
94,000 square feet of Flexamat Plus was installed over five days to armor the retention basins at waste water treatment facility including - 187 - 16’ x 18’ rolls & 125 - 16’ x 20’ rolls
The City Engineer was impressed with the quick vegetation establishment within the concrete block mat. The City Maintenance Department was pleased to discover that wildlife could now safely exit basins without becoming trapped. No longer did maintenance teams need to remove carcasses of trapped wildlife. The Flexamat® armored side slopes are maintained with the department's commercial mowing equipment.