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Airport Erosion Control
Large impervious surfaces formed by runways, taxiways and terminals create considerable stormwater runoff. Traditional erosion control measures are not possible in areas adjacent to taxiways and runways. Erosion control blankets and turf reinforcement mats are not permitted due to the threat of the material getting sucked into jet engines. Rock rip rap does not meet FAA height restrictions within the obstacle free area (OFA).
Flexamat® is the erosion solution for these sensitive areas, meeting FAA height restrictions for use within the OFA. The fully interlocked Flexamat blocks, combined with their weight, secures Flexamat in place, even in jet blast areas.
The Flexamat armor is maintainable, either for airport mowing equipment or if it’s kept unvegetated. Flexamat mitigates wildlife concerns associated with rock in areas where rip rap would be traditionally used. Rock rip rap attracts snakes and mice which attracts birds.
Flexamat is efficiently installed, enabling airports to maintain normal operations during the installation process.