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How rainfall effect the soil erosion

soil erosion control techniques

When it rains, soil becomes wet and often moves. Heavy rainstorms in particular can have a dramatic impact on soil and cause erosion.

Water Erosion in Detail

When the rain hits the ground, it causes detachment and displacement of the soil. Water erosion can occur from both individual raindrops and bodies of water hitting it. There are several different types of water erosion.

  • Splash Erosion: First stage in the erosion process. Happens when raindrops hit the soil and the force causes the individual soil particles to disperse ‘splash’ into the soil’s surface.

  • Sheet Erosion: This occurs when the rainfall intensity is greater than the soil infiltration ability and results in the loss of the finest soil particles that contain nutrients and organic matter.

  • Rill Erosion: Occurs when the water concentrates deeper in the soil and starts forming faster-flowing channels. These channels can be up to 12-inches deep and cause detachment and transportation of soil particles.

  • Gully Erosion: This advanced stage of land damage by water when the surface channels are eroded beyond the rill stage. This leads to huge soil losses and destroying of farmland. Also results in reduction of water quality by increasing the sediment load in streams.

  • Tunnel Erosion: The so-called "hidden" type of land degradation that causes severe disruption even before any signs are evident. It begins when large water mass starts moving through the structurally unstable soil. The results are a series of tunnels beneath the soil surface.

  • Seaside Erosion: Can alter the shape of coastlines. Waves constantly crash against the shore and pound rocks into pebbles and eventually reduce them into sand particles.

Soil Erosion & Rainfall

Overall, the soil is greatly affected by rainfall. Soil erosion is an environmental problem. Water erosion due to excessive rainfall has been acknowledged as one of the most common types of soil erosion today. Splashed particles from the rainfall clog soil pores, which seals off the soil surface and leads to poor water infiltration. Instead of the rainwater soaking into the soil, it will collect and move down-slope in sheet or rill erosion. This movement forms gullies and carries soil particles with it.

Rainfall erosion is a serious issue when it comes to farmland all over the world. If the soil is too wet or too dry then the nutrients in the soil may run off and not make it all the way to the plant’s roots. This will lead to poor health and growth in general. Too much water on the other hand can lead to bacteria, fungus, and mold growth in the soil. The size and velocity of raindrops is an important factor in determining what type and how much erosion occurs. Higher rainfall intensity will result in higher rates of infiltration and excess runoff. How much potential damage may occur all depends on the rainfall intensity, soil condition, slopes, and vegetation.

Prevention is Key

There are many reasons to prevent erosion and that it doesn’t occur around important areas such as airports, shorelines, and farms. Topsoil is critical for most of humankind's food supply and many interdependent plants and animals rely on it. It also protects waterways from potentially harmful agricultural chemicals, preventing runoff from harming fish or polluting drinking water sources.

Flexamat as A Solution

Flexamat or concrete erosion control blocks, are an effective and permanent solution to protecting highly erodible areas, such as, spillways, riverbanks, levees, shorelines and channels. Flexamat tied concrete block mats are designed to stop erosion. It’s an innovative and cost-effective solution that is being used for many applications throughout the world. Flexamat is the best concrete erosion control products as it offers a permanent erosion control solution.

There are many benefits of using the Flexamat erosion control solution. It’s an environmentally friendly solution that works with nature instead of against it. It’s safe to drive on, mow, and walk on. You’ll find it very easy to maintain once it’s in place. The packaging makes it easy to unroll and install with ease. It won’t disrupt the landscape visually as it will conform to the landscape and will improve safety overall. It’s considered to be a vegetated solution where native plant species can thrive. Flexamat improves water quality.


There are ways to protect soil and prevent further damage if you’re proactive about it. It’ll help ensure that the lands remains in place. Soil erosion must be controlled in communities and other areas such as airports, rivers, and shorelines, and to help stop flooding. With this information and these tips, you can do your part to help prevent erosion.


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Nov 18, 2024

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