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Spillway Armoring
The spillway at this reservoir experienced significant damage in 2019 that impacted the integrity of the dam. FEMA funds were approved but the 2020 pandemic put off the project for two years. After Federal Regulations for design, permits and making sure no Native American Cultural sites or native species would be disrupted, the repair was commenced and completed in 2023.
Flexamat Plus was specified by the engineer to armor the spillway and protect it from future erosion. The Flexamat team worked closely with the engineer and contractor to provide a comprehensive mat layout, showing where each mat would be installed, along the anchoring layout. Having a clear mat layout helped the contractor install the mats efficiently. Flexamat Plus rolls were stockpiled onsite, keeping the installation steadily moving as the grading was completed.
The specifications directed the contractor to seed prior to installing the Flexamat. This locks the seed within the armor and ensure the root growth penetrates through the layers of the Flexamat Plus system.
365,000 square feet of Flexamat Plus was specified on this project. The first Flexamat deliveries were made in mid July, 2023 and all of the mats were installed by the first week of September, 2023. Vegetation was already growing through the mats installed in August as the project was completed.