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Airport Slope Armoring
The International Airport Runway 9-27 and 18-36 reconstruction and rehabilitation was completed about 1.5 years before we installed the Flexamat. The soils are very sandy with high erosion potential. At the time a soil infilled cellular confinement product was used on several dry pond side slope and pipe outfalls. They used sod over the top of the infilled cells. When the vegetation subsides on these sites, products like this loose their soil infill. Flexamat provided an improved transition that would provide armor along with erosion control for these side slopes during their weekly maintenance.
Flexamat is a flexible low-profile revetment mat for erosion control in channels and transition areas from pavement to vegetation. It is the only concrete block mat that meets FAA 139 height restrictions (less than 3”) and is being used by both the USACE and the USAF/AFCEE. Flexamat will also mitigate wildlife hazards associated with riprap and protect birds attracted to the seed. For this project we used (24) 16’x50’ rolls of Flexamat, and it was completed in two days.