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Chattahoochee Riverbank Stabilization
The City of Smyrna in Georgia needed a solution on the Chattahoochee River along River View Road. The existing riverbank had eroded severely and now had vertical banks. The purpose of this project was to stabilize this bank of the Chattahoochee River by re-grading the slope, install the vegetated concrete block mat Flexamat Plus and planting live stakes. The contractor also repaired the outlet control structure from the adjacent water quality facility to manage water flows in this vicinity by utilizing Flexamat for the outlet structure.
Rock rip rap was the traditional method for scour protection along larger river systems, but with the 2:1 slope, the rip rap would not be stable. Flexamat is stable on slopes even greater than 1:1, while also providing the benefit of allowing for the establishment of well rooted vegetation.
This site was within the 25’ buffer zone and the Flexamat design was approved by GA EPD Stream Buffer Variance. Since rock rip was already included in the approved plans, GA EPA decided to keep stone at the toe trench. The engineer expected this stone to be washed away in the first rain event.
Job Site benefits of Flexamat over traditional systems include:
• 2 trucks hauled all the required Flexamat rolls. To install rip rap over the same 7440 SF area would have
required 45 dump truck loads of rock.
• Performs on steep slopes.
• Textured block surface provide a no slip walking surface and safer access for inspections.
• The armor prevents burrowing animals from tunneling into the stream bank.
• The open area of the blocks, allow for other plants than just grass, like native plant sprigging.
• Efficient installation with unrolling Flexamat rolls.